We'll be doing something festive at LF-rummet between 7 and 10 pm on Wednesday the 16th. As always, it's 20 sek to take part, and it'll be as fun as you make it!
Some scribbles and some scribblings with real Swedes last week.
Wondering whether to hold another innan jul. I suggest pepparkakor, glögg och julkort. Vad säger ni?
Wednesday, 25 November 2009
Hello peoples!
Sorry about not getting pictures from the last meeting online. I've had an internet deficiency at home and shall be relying on school for my future virtual life. So... Scribbling!
The next meeting is on Wednesday the 2nd of December, same time, same place. We'll be drawing all things related to naive folk art - so those of you from far afield, it would be great if you could bring some examples from your homeland. The swedes among us... it's time to celebrate the best of kurbits style.
As always, it's 20sek to get in. Everyone is welcome and fika is provided. Feel free to bring your own music, materials and refreshments.
Here are the last of the monsters before the first of the hands. Another wonderful evening with happy scribblers and finger paints. Thanks to all of you who participated. Pictures to follow soon!
On Thursday 19th we will be scribbling all things handy. Rude gestures, propaganda, finger painting and visual puns welcome.
Bring your bodies (and a 20 kroner bill) along to the Linjeföerningsrummet, upstairs in Kåren and we will provide you with tea, coffee and drawing materials a pleanty. All ages and all levels of dawing skill welcome. If you have your own ideas or materials feel free to bring those with you too. The handy theme is not compulsory, just to get the shy amongst us started. Some finger filled magazine pics could provide a lot of fun. If you have any hanging arround, please bring them!
Snacks and alcohol are brought at the owners own risk (you are welcome to bring them, but you willl end up sharing!)
Comments, questions and suggestions are ALWAYS welcome!
Thanks to all you lovely scribbley people who came along to UNLEASH YOUR MONSTER I can safely call the meeting a success. It was an absoloute pleasure and great to get your feedback. I am currently trying to arrange a storage space at the university so I don't have to keep carting my colourful treasures back and forth. If that is sucessful I shall be looking at holding meetings once every two weeks. I'll keep you posted.
In the mean time I will load up the pictures from this meeting as and when I can, and I'll be writting my report for Västerås stad telling them how fun it is and that they really should release the remaining money so that I can invest in a second set of squeezy markers and we can play some more wall painting!
If you have any requests or suggestions please do get in touch. So far we have suggested themes of primitive/folk art and the bathroom! I have also had interest about actual drawing classes. If you are interested please get in touch and it might be possible to arrange something.
Being the perfectly absentminded sort of girl that I am, someone has just reminded me that our next srcibble meeting is infact on TUESDAY the THIRD of November and not Monday the second. I shall be kicking butt at capoeira and someone else will be in the LF room that night. So please make ammends in your diary and I hope you can still come along!
Well how time flies! Tomorrow it is scribble time once again (upstairs, Kåren, 1900 hours, 20 sek, theme of TREES... for the uninformed among you.) To warm you up, here are a few more of mine and Constance's doodles from our trip to Stockholm. All time can be creative time!
I recieved a lovely encouraging email from Lisa, the girl who started the scribble project this evening. It's nice to know news of our endeavours even falls upon happy ears in Australia. Hopefully we can make her proud with our own casual art community. We touched upon the subject of fear of drawing. It is understandably something people are very self conscious about. For some reason there is very little emphasis placed upon draughtmanship in school - whether extending people's symbolic capability or increasing their knowledge of the theory of realistic drawing. More's the pitty. But like all things, it can be learned with practice and will (we are FAR from prefect!) Hopefully everyone can share some wisdom and help eachother have more fun. We all have some experience, after all, scribbling is what we did the first time we picked up a pen. The brave and curious among us are going to give it a go tomorrow.
Shake our tree at meeting number three. We would like you to join us for an evening of alternative social fun - otherwise known as drawing. Transport your bodies to Kårhuset, haul them up the stairs and then enjoy some fine company and a magnificent array of art materials. Although the theme is trees feel free to draw anything you like. Even if you haven't drawn so much as a stick man in the last ten years, come along, have a chat and see if you fancy giving it a go. A sheet of blank paper is much scarier when faced alone!
If you already scribble (or perhaps do something a little more artisitcally serious) feel free to join us with your own materials aswell. The more the merrier!
Any tree themed parfenalia is also very welcome :)
We'll provide some tea, coffee and saft, but feel free to bring along your own refreshments (sorry! You can't take drinks from Kåren pub upstairs, but you can bring your own alcohol). If you have a favourite cup, bring that along too! Wednesday 7th October 1900-2130
I know we are only in the first days of autumn, but it seemed the most appropriate title. In the past week I have recieved word that Västerås stads kultur-, idrotts och fritidsnämnd are to give us a bidrag of 5000sek bumping or budget up to an incredible 8000! Who knew that the people in suits would have so much faith in these sorts of ideas! I have to say a big 'thank you' to Tobias for all of his help. Without him the ansökan would not have been quite so eloquent! I also owe thanks to 'president' Hubert of IC MDH, not only for his monetary contribution but also for providing VSS with a new central location!
As of next month (October) Västerås Scribbling Society will be meeting on the first Wednesday of the month in the upstairs room of Kåren. Meetings will be held from 7-10pm. Entry costs 20sek for which you get unlimited use of our materials and access to tea and coffee making devices. Your contribution will enable us to maintain materials and continue meeting indeffinately. Feel free to bring along your own art materials, cups, drinks and snacks. Please note; you can not bring alcohol bought at the Kåren pub upstairs. Look out for posters and more blogs for further info (as I make it up!) Keep it real! //Clove
Well folks, seeing as we now seem to be back into the swing of things (though I guess some of you never left) it is time to hold another Scribbling Society meeting.
The theme for this meeting will be introductions.
Most of us have only met a couple of times, some of us have never met before, and seeing as we're hoping to be friends it would be nice to use this early opportunity to get to know you all. I know we can all be a little shy about telling the world who we are... especially the Swedes among us... so lets use the occasion to draw a little of ourselves instead. Now please don't be selfconscious, and none of those "I can't draw" excuses. A stick man with a flower and some scribbled clouds is more valuable than a masterwork because it shows someone took time out of their day to do something they wouldn't normally. Go on, push your boundaries and do something different! It could be fun :D
Please bring along a cd, a book, an instrument, a picture, someone you love, anything that helps tell us who you are. Bring along lots of things if you like. I'll provide the pens and paper, tea and coffee, and if your lucky, homebaked cookies (no promises there!). You just have to get yourselves to Lövhagsgatan 83, Västerås, between 2 and 6 in the afternoon on Saturday the 26th September and donate 20 of your paper kroner to the cause (children scribble for free.)
Comments, questions, suggestions? All very welcome aswell.
For anyone interested, I shall be hi-jacking the MDH hiking club rookie hike on Bjornö this Saturday. There will be pens and paper apleanty (I hope) and this meeting will be cost free as we'll call it something like... advertising.
Information on the next GENUINE meeting to follow soon.
I over slept this morning and missed my Swedish lecture... but every cloud has a sliver lining. The phone woke me an hour later and I was promptly grilled in Swedish about myself and the Scribbling Society. Not only did I get my conversational Swedish practice (while half asleep) we have also been awarded 2500sek by Landstinget Västmanland.
Exciting news! Thanks to President Hubert of the International Committee at MDH we now have a little money in the pot. He's emptied the fluff from his pockets, emptied out the penny jar and searched in the back of the sofa - et voila - 500sek from the I.C. budget to get things rolling.
I got bored of waiting for news of funding so I've decided to take matters into my own hands. I shall be hosting the first Scribbling Society meeting at my place this Saturday (22nd August.) My door will be open from 2pm untill bed time, and the theme will be giraffes. I am determeined that this guy (http://www.olahelland.net/giraffes/) is going to make his million.
For parting with 20 of your hard earned crowns I will supply you with as much paper, tea and coffee as necessary. Cake and biscuits will be on a first come, first served basis. As all materials have so far been paid for by my good self I don't have an endless supply. Please feel free to bring your own pens and pencils (just make sure you don't loose them!)
Bring along your animal books, giraffe related parafernalia and some of your favourite people (children welcome).
Let's make it a scribbling sensation!
Email me at vscribbling@hotmail.com with the subject VSS for location details.
My fly themed totem for The Scribble Project's fantabulous communal scribble totem pole. The brains behind TSP are having a rest this month, but there will be another 'clubhouse' scribble in September. I'd advise you all to check it out... oh, and have you drawn your giraffes yet???
Meet Gerald, he is my giraffe donation to a strange person who is trying to collect one million giraffes before 2011 as a bet.http://www.olahelland.net/giraffes/
I highly suggest you brew yourself a coffee (or tea depending on your taste) and take a look at www.thescribbleproject.com. A lovely little website full of fun things to do.
Have fun!
Friday, 24 July 2009
Hej alla,
I'm trying not to be impatient, I know it's only been a week since I applied for funding but...
Anyhow, this melancholy chap is my contribution to www.drawserge.blogspot.comHave abrowse, an illustrated blog dedicated to the late great French romantic Serge Gainsbourg. Jag vet inte om de vill ha det, men man måste försöka eller hur? Have a scribble if you feel inspired. It can't hurt and often it is easier to pick up the pen if you have a subject!
Applications for funding are winging their way to Västerås stad. Hold thumbs or cross fingers, which ever is more to your liking.
Spent the day cutting, pasting, planning and listeing to Promoe. I think tonight it would be nice to swim.
Thursday, 16 July 2009
Vad är Scribbling?
Det är att skissa eller rita utan tänka för mycket på resultatet, bara låta pennan dansa över pappret. Det är något som barn ofta gör men som vi vuxna glömmer bort.
Vad är Västerås Scribbling Society?
Västerås Scribbling Society är en interaktiv händelse för yngre ”konstnärer”, särskilt riktat till dem utan formell konstutbildning. Det är en möjlighet för människor att leka med konstmateriel i en stressfri miljö utan att behöva köpa material själva.
Hur funkar det?
Gruppen träffas minst en gång i månaden. En plats, tid och tema för händelserna publiceras via internet och på anslagstavlor runt om i Västerås. För att ta del i av ett Scribblingmöte behöver man betala en liten avgift.* Efter det är man välkommen att använda vårt material. Det kommer finnas böcker, bilder, musik och eventuella föreställningar som följer det aktuella temat. Slutligen kommer materialet som skapats under året sammanställas till en utställning.
* En liten avgift kommer alltid tas eftersom att Västerås Scribbling Society ska kunna hålla upp ett lager av material för framtida event.
What is Scribbling?
It's to draw without thinking about the outcome. To play with pen and paper. Something kids often do but we adults forget.
What is Västerås Scribbling Society?
It's interactive event for young 'artists' particularly those with no formal art education. In other words; an opportunity for the you to experiment with art materials in a no stress environment, without having to invest in the products yourself.
But how does it work?
Themed meeting will be held in Västerås at least once a month. You'll be asked to pay a small fee (ca: 20sek) to take part, but for this you will have unlimited access to our art materials, along with music, books, pictures etc. Hopefully we can also arrange some performances according to the theme. Your money will help us to replace and maintain materials and arrange future events.
Västerås Scribbling Society är en interaktiv händelse för yngre ”konstnärer”, särskilt riktat till dem utan formell konstutbildning. Det är en möjlighet för människor att leka med konstmateriel i en stressfri miljö utan att behöva köpa material själva. //
Västerås Scribbling Society is an interactive event aimed at young 'artists', particularly those with no formal art education. In other words; an opportunity for the general public to experiment with art materials in a no stress environment without having to invest in the products themselves.