Wednesday, 21 October 2009

Tuesday the THIRD of November

Being the perfectly absentminded sort of girl that I am, someone has just reminded me that our next srcibble meeting is infact on TUESDAY the THIRD of November and not Monday the second. I shall be kicking butt at capoeira and someone else will be in the LF room that night. So please make ammends in your diary and I hope you can still come along!


Saturday, 17 October 2009

Unleash your monster!

Our next meeting!!!

Tuesday 3rd, between 19:00 and 21:30.
We're gonna draw MONSTERS!

Wednesday, 14 October 2009

Boredom kills. Scribble instead.

When there is time to kill there should always be pens and paper on hand, even in the face of the shrinking baggage allowance!

Friday, 9 October 2009

Roots, leaves or blossom?

Scribbles by me Constance, Mahgol and Arash.

Tuesday, 6 October 2009

Scribbles at Kåren tomorrow!

Well how time flies! Tomorrow it is scribble time once again (upstairs, Kåren, 1900 hours, 20 sek, theme of TREES... for the uninformed among you.) To warm you up, here are a few more of mine and Constance's doodles from our trip to Stockholm. All time can be creative time!

I recieved a lovely encouraging email from Lisa, the girl who started the scribble project this evening. It's nice to know news of our endeavours even falls upon happy ears in Australia. Hopefully we can make her proud with our own casual art community. We touched upon the subject of fear of drawing. It is understandably something people are very self conscious about. For some reason there is very little emphasis placed upon draughtmanship in school - whether extending people's symbolic capability or increasing their knowledge of the theory of realistic drawing. More's the pitty. But like all things, it can be learned with practice and will (we are FAR from prefect!) Hopefully everyone can share some wisdom and help eachother have more fun. We all have some experience, after all, scribbling is what we did the first time we picked up a pen.
The brave and curious among us are going to give it a go tomorrow.

Hope to see you there!


Sunday, 4 October 2009

We're even on the International Committee website these day! Reklam to the world :)

Take it easy all!

