Friday, 23 April 2010

A night on the tiles.

Another wonderful evening with the scribblers. I think the pub is the place to be! There was no particular theme for the evening, just being a student, in the pub. Great results! We finally got one for the cieling plates painted! And one for hiking club too. An evening well spent methinks.

Monday, 19 April 2010

To celebrate student week at MDH (Hela Studenten, Hela Vägen) the Scribbling Society will be taking over Kåren again!

Forget the road, we're talking about the whole wall! On Thursday night we'll throw up a fresh canvas so that you, the learning ones, can illustrate your experiences.

As always, it cost 20sek to participate, and your materials are provided. The kvällspub is open as usual so there is beer and food to be had while you're working :)

Hope to see you there!


Sunday, 18 April 2010

Triple whammy.

Week numbers are something I have only experienced in Sweden. But Sweden we are in, so lets talk about week 16.

Firstly we have something not quite Scribbling Society related. Tomorrow (Monday) my first ever solo exhibition opens to the public. Thanks to KAOSgruppen and ABF. Me, Linda, Tobias and Matilda spent Saturday afternoon hanging 17 colourful portraits outside ABF's new office on the second floor in CuLTUREN. Naturally, it is free to go and have a look. The paintings will be there untill the end of week 21 and hopefully I will be able to hang out there at least once a week. Check the KAOSblog for more details.

Secondly, on Tudesday Mälardalens högskola is holding a Studentmässa which means little ol' me and the Scribbling goodies will be present in the main enterance with a plethora of other students. We'll have free scribbles on offer :)

And thirdly, on Thursday evening we'll be scribbling in the Kårpub again. Watch out for an event poster later today!


Wednesday, 7 April 2010

A bottle top giraffe... and chocolate cake!

...we ate the chocolate cake, hence the lack of pictures. Thanks for baking Sara! We also made some get well soon cards for the tattooed one and sent the giraffe to Mr Ola Helland for his ever growing collection. Rather nice evening though I say it myself!