Due to popular demand, this time we will be playing 'join the dots'. To make things a little more imaginative we all start with a blank paper, draw some dots and then give it to someone else to make a picture! If you want, bring some pre-dotted papers with you. No previous creative experience is required, just a positive attitude :)
As always, materials and fika will be included, and there will be an 'honesty jar' by the sink. Please be considerate and deposit 20 of your hard earned crowns in it so we can maintain our materials (and refreshments) for future meetings.
The meeting is open to all, and you are free to bring your own refreshments.
Comments, questions, suggestions? Don't hesitate to get in touch!
Thanks to those of you who came last night for a nice relaxed evening.
Things are a bit chaotic at home at the moment with some major renovations, so it'll be awhile before I manage to post any pictures, but they'll come when I have them :) Otherwise, thanks for your participation and keep your eyes open about the next event!
First of all - a big thanks to Constance for taking over the organisation of this meeting!
Secondly... woooohooooo, lets draw trains!
We'll be working in collaboration with Oppy from www.thescribbleproject.com to create a gigantic train. She has draw the carriages and we just have to fill them in. Check out http://www.thescribbleproject.com/index.php?/the-scribble-project/big-team-scribble/ for some pre -scribbling instructions. We'll have a load of pages ready printed for you to have a scribble on.
As always - feel free to scribble something else if this doesn't take your fancy!
I thought that for this meeting we can also try an 'honesty jar' for your 20 krowns instead of everybody having to find me (or Constance) at the beginning of a meeting. The jar will be kept with the fika things by the sink. Please do the right thing and drop your money in there at some point in the evening! It's your pennies that keep this thing running. I'm also going to leave a book for suggestions with Constance. If you'd be so kind as to write some in there it would be much appreciated.
Tea, coffee and biscuits and drawing materials are provided, feel free to bring your own drinks and snacks aswell. Oh! And you can drop in at any time during the evening, it is not essential to be there from the beginning!
I'm afarid we're looking at a problematic week next week. I have lectures and meetings all day on Tuesday and Thrusday and busy both Monday and Wednesday night... so that means no Scribbling... UNLESS, someone could volunteer to take charge of things on Tuesday evening (the room is already booked)?
Please let me know by this Thursday night if anyone wants to play mamma and I can let Hubert know we still need the room. We can meet and I can talk everything through with you at the end of this week, or the weekend if anyone is willing :)
Västerås Scribbling Society är en interaktiv händelse för yngre ”konstnärer”, särskilt riktat till dem utan formell konstutbildning. Det är en möjlighet för människor att leka med konstmateriel i en stressfri miljö utan att behöva köpa material själva. //
Västerås Scribbling Society is an interactive event aimed at young 'artists', particularly those with no formal art education. In other words; an opportunity for the general public to experiment with art materials in a no stress environment without having to invest in the products themselves.